
Bringing you Film and Film Making news.

Friday 19 November 2010

Hollywood at its most absurd?

This film, incredibly named "Cowboys and Aliens", is coined by Steven Spielberg's dream factory and is expected to be the next big blockbuster. The premise is so mesmerising I am thoroughly curious and will be going to see it. I will reserve judgement until afterwards but I am not hopeful...

Let me know what you think, follow the link below to get to the trailer.


1 comment:

  1. olaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:)
    mas ja n é miss de castro é mrs walker:)
    manda o meu blog p tds os teus contactos n tge eskeças!
    ah e diz p comprarem td looooolll
    beijocas gds p a minha manocas e em especial p a minha afilhada dalia:D
